Rajan Karmacharya


Rajan Karmacharya, a Kathmandu native, has a more than a decade of professional experience in the construction industry in the United States and Nepal. Before moving to Nepal, Rajan was responsible for coordinating hospitality, commercial and residential projects in United States. Since moving to Nepal, Rajan has worked on projects ranging from restaurant interior to large commercial buildings. His focus in innovation and lean principles reflect in his design.

Rajan graduated from Louisiana State University with a Master of Architecture degree in 2017. During his final year, he received the Technology Award from the School of Architecture by becoming proficient in design technology like Building Information Modeling software (BIM), 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC machines. During his studies at LSU, he also served as a research assistant at Coastal Sustainability Studio and became familiar with emergency management. Before beginning his M.Arch. at LSU, he received his Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in the United States.

In addition to these professional commitments, Rajan is also involved in the art communities in Kathmandu. His love for art has enabled him to fuse his artworks in the projects done by Studio 2.0.